Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Here we go again

Ok, I know I said you would only hear from me once a week. What you will learn is I get riled up a lot sometimes and just have to express myself. Today was one of those days.

I spent fifteen years finally making up my mind to go for what I had always wanted, to be a journalist. I paid no mind to the fact that I had waited that long, and time was against me. Many said I would have a hard time getting into the field. Others said it didn't matter about my age, gender, or racial complexion as long as my writing contained substance. And still, many said it would take me twice as long. However it went, I was determined, determined to at least give it a try.

I went back to school, joined just about every organization I felt would help me, and networked all over the place. Did it help? Well, that depends on from what direction you're looking. I have met a lot of people, connected with a lot of publishers, and gotten paid for my hard work. What I did learn is, it had nothing to do with age, gender and racial mix. It really depends on how hard one is willing to work. And I'm not talking about writing either. It's called marketing and promoting. You write the best ever but it isn't worth a dime unless somebody knows you exist. So what does all that have to do with my post today? Everything. After dealing with and having to dispell the negative image many have of journalist, it keeps showing up at the door. Another journalist who can't prove she wrote it, that her sources are real, and the story isn't fiction.

I spent my early education years in many an English class learning three things. Don't ever write fiction and call it fact. Don't ever sign your name to what you didn't write. Always give credit where credit is due. Lastly, check your sources and then check them again. So why is it another Pandora's box has popped up again? They just keep on popping up, over and over. What does it take for journalists to realize whatever is in the dark will come to the light one day? Didn't they learn that at home from Grandma, if not in school? I know I did. Never in my life have I ever thought that I would need to make things up like a child to get my name out there as an established writer. One thing I learned a long time ago was, it ain't worth it. I have no intention of working my behind off just to become a fraud. I spent too long waiting for my chance and worked too hard to make a fool of myself.

Now another writer, after twelve years of writng, has been exposed as undependable. No wonder I spend so much time trying to convince publishers I am legit. That I do my research, that I check my sources and everything I write will hold up in any court. Why? My momma didn't stand for no lies and neither do I. You see, I sleep well at night and like it that way. Trying to do so with one eye open won't work for me. My to do list, is too long for me to worry about getting caught doing something I should not have. So again, another so called journalist has been discovered pretending to be what she isn't, a for real journalist.

So much for me and others busting our buts off to make a mark. To show the world we are with them. That our job is to voice their opinions and keep them informed. Open doors politicians, government officials, and religious extremist try to keep close. Oh and don't let me forget, tell I how I feel and think on the little and the big things in the world. Talk about respect. You have those like myself who earn it and the pretenders, who spend years screwing it up for us all. Hopefully, you the consumer will not apply the term "phony" to the rest of us. We all know there is at least one bad kernal on every ear of corn. That doesn't mean you stop eating it, you just have to inspect it closer. All I can say is, here we go again. That my readers is just my point of view.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Tom Cruise, The Self Appointed Expert

Ok, I thought I had heard just about all there was to hear seeing how I am over the fifty yard line. I have lived a pretty rich life, you know, the been there, seen it, done it thing. So when Tom Cruise spoke on the Today show about what a woman should do to solve any problems she had with post partum depression, menopause, mid life crisis or whatever, I hit the roof. So this is what I have to say to one Tom Cruise.

First Tom, sweetie, you are first, not a woman, second, can't have babies, third, have no medical degree and last, research does not an expert make. Unless, you have become some higher being of intelligence from another planet, don't ever think you can tell a woman what she is going through and how to recover from it. Also, you need to take a few lessons in how to hold a civilized conversation with someone of differing opinions. You were downright rude to Matt Lauder on live TV. You insulted him in front of the public and gave the man no respect for his intelligence and experience. How dare you! Who do you think you are? A supreme human? A God? Well, I hate to dissapoint you but, you are neither.

Whatever works for you does not necessarily work for someone else. No two people on this earth are the same. Yes, we all possess the same body structure in the sense of two hands, two feet, two eyes, two lungs, one each of organs like a kidney, gallbladder and heart. Where the @$#%&* did you put your heart? Forgive me, your attitude seemed to have rubbed off on me. Your arrogance sent me into shock. Is this why you had trouble keeping previous marriges together? Did you try to control the women in your life with your scientology beliefs? My philosphy is and always will be, to each his own. By the way, scientology is not a religion. You said someone could be a Christian and a scientologist but, that is like saying someone could be a Catholic and a Baptist at the same time. That statement in itself let me know you really don't know as much as you would like others to believe.

Tom Cruise, you owe Matt Lauer an apology and another one to all the women in the world. I won't even get into how many psychiatrist you owe one to. I have no problem with you holding true to what you believe in. What I do have a problem with is you trying to act as if your way is the only way and everything else be dammed. Give me a break. Your arrogance is not pretty at all Tom. You need to look inside yourself again. It's obviously been too long since you looked in the mirror.

Next time you want to voice your opinion, make sure you think first, then speak. Not open mouth, put foot in, then speak. That happens to be my point of view.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Sylvia Speaks Introduction


I am new to this blogging stuff. You will notice that the title of my blog is "View Points." That is what I hope to be able to bring to you each week, my view points on whatever is going on in the world and just a lot of other stuff that comes to my mind. Seeing how it took me a while to figure out how to use this blog, I am now out of time to give a point of view today. But don't worry, I will come back starting Saturday or Sunday evening with an opinion or a train of thought to share or even a story to tell you. That is what a writer does. So until then,

Much love to you all