I Hope I am Back Longer This Time
Ok, ok. I know you haven’t heard from me for a while. Well, I have been writing scholarly papers for the last four weeks. I also, had a presentation to do. I couldn’t forget my weekly column in the University of Michigan-Dearborn newspaper. I missed a couple of those even. Then I had my church’s Women’s Day Program. I was on the committee and had to do the paper program. If that wasn’t enough, I was doing a children’s story for entry into Writer’s Digest Short, Short Story contest, deadline December 1, 2006. And I can’t forget my working with the National Writers Union in getting more writers into the fold. Can you see why the blog just had to wait?
Want to know what’s on my mind? The affirmative action state elimination, Ford Motor Company’s big layoffs (called buyouts), promoting my new book, more papers to do for school, Xmas coming, finding more money paying writing assignments, Michael Richards use of the n-word, and much more. I think I’m going through some kind of change other than menopause.
Lately, I am having trouble finding satisfaction in the things I do. Don’t get me wrong, I am grateful for what I do and have but, something seems to be missing. It could be the depressing mood climate here in Michigan. Couple that with being a long time Seasonal Affected Disorder (SAD) sufferer, it could really be just that time of year for me. I’m still working on getting things back on track so I don’t end up with winter blues.
I will not disappoint you with a long rant or rave because I don’t really have time for that. Since it is the end of another year and I like planning something positive for the upcoming year, I don’t have time to waste. Besides since I do have two upcoming writing workshops in February and March, I have to get busy promoting them. So as you can see, there really is no room for moaning and groaning. To top it off, I am still in school and next semester I will have three classes instead of two like usual. Which obviously means my time will be of the utmost importance and cannot be wasted at all.
As this semester is winding down, I hope to be back writing my thoughts on whatever is happening in the world and my life on the blog again. Don’t panic if you don’t hear from me weekly, it will mean I am out either generating my money input or promoting my stuff. However the wind blows; you are always on my mind to share my thoughts with. dont forget to visit my web site at
Scribal Press
Want to know what’s on my mind? The affirmative action state elimination, Ford Motor Company’s big layoffs (called buyouts), promoting my new book, more papers to do for school, Xmas coming, finding more money paying writing assignments, Michael Richards use of the n-word, and much more. I think I’m going through some kind of change other than menopause.
Lately, I am having trouble finding satisfaction in the things I do. Don’t get me wrong, I am grateful for what I do and have but, something seems to be missing. It could be the depressing mood climate here in Michigan. Couple that with being a long time Seasonal Affected Disorder (SAD) sufferer, it could really be just that time of year for me. I’m still working on getting things back on track so I don’t end up with winter blues.
I will not disappoint you with a long rant or rave because I don’t really have time for that. Since it is the end of another year and I like planning something positive for the upcoming year, I don’t have time to waste. Besides since I do have two upcoming writing workshops in February and March, I have to get busy promoting them. So as you can see, there really is no room for moaning and groaning. To top it off, I am still in school and next semester I will have three classes instead of two like usual. Which obviously means my time will be of the utmost importance and cannot be wasted at all.
As this semester is winding down, I hope to be back writing my thoughts on whatever is happening in the world and my life on the blog again. Don’t panic if you don’t hear from me weekly, it will mean I am out either generating my money input or promoting my stuff. However the wind blows; you are always on my mind to share my thoughts with. dont forget to visit my web site at
Scribal Press